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Pictures from Oxford Water Walks

Oxford Water Walks

Historical & Literary Walks & Talks, and Books by Oxford Towpath Press

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For pre-arranged, private WALKS see below.

Public WALKS

Museum of Oxford Wednesday afternoon 90-minute walks, starting at 2pm. These are the dates of my own walks, with other days covered by three other local historians:


24 July: ‘Balloonatics’: Oxford and the First British Men & Women to Fly (and see my talk on 22 July below)

7 August: ‘Artists in Wonderland’: the Pre-Raphaelites in Oxford

28 August: River, Meadow and Ford

25 Sept: Canal, Castle & Convicts

2 Oct: ‘Balloonatics’: Oxford and the First British Men & Women to Fly




Private Walks

Most of my WALKS are for pre-booked groups (starting at £60 inclusive for up to 20/24 people). However, if you as an individual, or as part of a small group, would like to arrange a walk, do please still feel free to get in touch at oxfordtowpathpress@gmail.com. Or, for £30 for up to five people (lasting 90 minutes or so), you can suit yourself as to start time time and exact route.

Not sure? Please have a look at my (sadly unmaintained!) ‘Customer Comments’ page.


TALKS (see Talk topics)

Happy to travel – Assam in India is the farthest away so far !

Only one public talk at the moment, though most local history societies welcome non-member guests:

Monday 22 July: 8pm. Oxfordshire Family History Society at Exeter Hall, Kidlington

James and Windham Sadler: hot-air balloon pioneers of Oxford and Liverpool.




Walking Group 2016 (Dylan Thomas Day)



Lecture (Bodleian sign)

My talk (Lindsay)





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